Butterfly Releases
Caterpillar Kits
Chrysalis Kits/Chrysalis
Western Australia
Spiny Leaf Insects
Downloads and Documents
Returns and Replacements
Butterfliy Parties
Butterfly Releases
How long can I keep them in the box?
We will send your butterflies to arrive either a day or two before your release day. Do not keep them any longer than this
Do I need to feed them?
No you will not need to feed the butterflies when they arrive. We have fed them prior to sending and once you release them, they will find their own nectar flowers.
What do I do when I receive them?
Your package will come with full instructions inside. You just need to keep it wrapped up in a cool, dark place and change the icepack as needed.
Should I put them in the fridge?
No. This will kill the butterflies. Changing the ice packed as needed is enough.
Are all Australian weather/eco conditions okay for these butterflies to be released into?
Monarch butterflies have been in Australia for 150 years and thought to be brought here by hurricanes. They took hold in Australia when white people brought the host plant seeds (Asclepias sp), possibly in the new settlers’ mattresses, because the fluffy part of the seeds was used much like cotton. Monarchs are now found in all states of Australia. They overwinter as adults. In warm conditions butterflies feed on ANY nectar producing plants and look for each other to pair. Then they look for their host plants (milkweed), which are common and found in all states of Australia. Monarchs are not considered a pest species or in any way damaging to the environment.
We have a video showing you the packaging and how to release them.Caterpillar Kits
Will I run out of food?
Each kit has plenty of food to take all caterpillars to pupation. Please review the
instructions and get in touch with us.
My caterpillar has wandered away from the cuttings – should I put it back?
That often happens when a caterpillar is ready to shed its skin and become a new instar
or a chrysalis. Please let it do its thing. Caterpillars are very good at finding the food
plant again.
My caterpillar has stopped moving, is it okay?
This is quite normal. They will often stop moving when they are getting ready to shed
and then they’ll be on the move again! Just let it do its thing.
How many caterpillars are in the kit?
There are 6 caterpillars in our kits. We guarantee that 3 will make it to adulthood
(butterflies). Please get in touch if there are any issues.
It’s too cold to release the butterflies, what do I do?
If you need to keep your butterflies for a few days then you will probably need to feed them. We have a free downloadable instructions poster here. We also have a video with an example here!
A chrysalis has fallen off the roof/branch, what do I do?
We have a video tutorial on our resources page here. If you need further assistance please email us with pictures of your chrysalis.
Is my chrysalis normal?
Sometimes you may see a small piece of black skin near the top of the chrysalis. This is perfectly normal and is only the last layer of caterpillar shedding it’s final skin.
Are all Australian weather /eco conditions okay for these butterflies to be released into?
Monarch butterflies have been in Australia for 150 years and thought to be brought here by hurricanes. They took hold in Australia when white people brought the host plant seeds (Asclepias sp), possibly in the new settlers’ mattresses, because the fluffy part of the seeds was used much like cotton. Monarchs are now found in all states of Australia. They overwinter as adults. In warm conditions butterflies feed on ANY nectar producing plants and look for each other to pair. Then they look for their host plants (milkweed), which are common and found in all states of Australia. Monarchs are not considered a pest species or in any way damaging to the environment.
Chrysalis Kits/Chrysalis
How often should I mist the chrysalis?
Summer – A light mist once every 2nd day. One spray of water held at least 10cm away from the chrysalis. Do not mist the chrysalis more often than that.
Winter – A light mist every 4 days. Do not mist the chrysalis more often than that.
Stop misting as soon as you begin to see the wing pattern and/or the
chrysalis begins to darken.
Can I put the chrysalis kit away until I’m ready to use it/gift it?
You must open and set up your kit as soon as it arrives. Do not leave it in packaging. It will continue developing while in package.
Therefore, whether you are ready to give it as a gift or not, you must unpack and hang the chrysalis(es) in your cube to avoid any wing damage.
How do I set up my kit?
Unroll the protective packaging carefully and remove your chrysalis. Then hang the chrysalis using the earring hook to the top or to the side of your cube.
Refer to the diagram on the cube label and our video (link below).
Make sure you open your package over a table surface, so that the chrysalis does not get damaged if you accidentally drop it.
Here is a video demonstrating how to set up your kit
How long does it take for the butterfly to emerge?
Your butterfly will emerge from the chrysalis within 4-12 days (some species can take a few weeks), based on the temperature of your room/space and transit temperatures.
I accidentally threw out my instructions…
Please refer to the above and our video tutorial. There are also written instructions on the bottom of our chrysalis kits page.
Is putting the chrysalises in the enclosure harmful to them?
“The mesh cube is specifically designed for a butterfly to hold on to it using small hooks on the tip of their legs after it emerges. The butterfly can stay there for two days or so until its winds become stronger. Then it is time to release them. The cube is NOT designed to hold butterflies any longer than that.” For longer periods of observation, we have the enclosure https:// butterflyadventures.com.au/ product/folding-enclosure/
My chrysalis has fallen off the hook…
We have a video tutorial here. If you need further help please email us with pictures of your chrysalis.
It’s too cold to release my butterfly, what do I do?
Butterflies require 20⁰C or higher to fly. They will be sleepy (i.e. not fly) at lower temperatures.
You can wait a day or two until the warm weather returns. If the butterfly has to stay in
the cube longer, you will need to give it a sip of artificial nectar before releasing it. There is also a free downloadable poster on our resources page here. We also have a video with an example here.
It’s been more than 2 weeks and my chrysalis hasn’t emerged yet…
Send us a clear picture of your chrysalis to info@butterflyadventures.com.au. We will be able to assess the health of the chrysalis and give you a better idea of what’s going on.
Are these suitable for classrooms?
The Chrysalis kit is also great for the classroom! The kit provides an educational and hands-on experience, while you study your Life Cycle and Minibeasts units.
Butterflies are a popular and safe insect that all kids can relate to. Exploring the butterfly life cycle is a perfect example of an insect’s complete metamorphosis; from egg, to larva (caterpillar), to pupa (chrysalis), and finally the adult butterfly.
For curriculum based activities have a look at our chrysalis kit related lesson plans. Plans are individually tailored from Kinder to Year 6.
Will I always get the same chrysalis?
We will try to send you the Monarch chrysalises (see images above) when we can but, at different times of the year there are limitations in availability and we will send the species available at the time. Butterfly chrysalises come in very different textures shapes and colours: green or brown, smooth or slightly spiked and some can even wriggle! Please let us know if you only want a Monarch but this could mean a longer wait.
Do we need to place flowers into the chrysalis kit with the newly hatched butterfly?
You can place flowers into the cube to decorate it, of course, although the butterfly does not need it. Please release your butterfly within 48 hours of it emerging.
Are all Australian weather /eco conditions okay for these butterflies to be released into?
Monarch butterflies have been in Australia for 150 years and thought to be brought here by hurricanes. They took hold in Australia when white people brought the host plant seeds (Asclepias sp), possibly in the new settlers’ mattresses, because the fluffy part of the seeds was used much like cotton. Monarchs are now found in all states of Australia. They overwinter as adults. In warm conditions butterflies feed on ANY nectar producing plants and look for each other to pair. Then they look for their host plants (milkweed), which are common and found in all states of Australia. Monarchs are not considered a pest species or in any way damaging to the environment.
Western Australia
Why are shipments now only being sent every second Monday?
Due to tighter biosecurity regulations in Western Australia, we must adjust our shipping schedule to ensure compliance with inspection procedures. This allows us to coordinate with the biosecurity team and provide the best possible service.
What is the new quarantine fee?
We’ve introduced a quarantine fee of $20 on chrysalis kits and chrysalis-only purchases. This fee helps cover the inspection costs that are now being charged by the biosecurity team for live material being imported into Western Australia.
What happens if I receive an inspection fee notice from the biosecurity team?
If you receive an inspection fee notice from the biosecurity team, please don’t worry. Simply forward the bill to us, and we’ll cover the cost for you.
Why is there an inspection fee being charged?
The biosecurity team is ensuring that live material being imported into Western Australia complies with their regulations. This includes inspecting the contents of shipments for biosecurity risks. The inspection fee is part of their process, but we are committed to covering it for you.
Will the quarantine fee apply to all shipments to Western Australia?
Yes, the $20 quarantine fee applies to all chrysalis kits and chrysalis-only purchases being shipped to Western Australia, in order to cover the cost of inspections.
How long will this shipping schedule change last?
We are continuously monitoring the biosecurity regulations and working to find solutions that streamline the process. For now, shipments will continue every second Monday until further notice.
Can I still place an order if I’m in Western Australia?
Yes! You can still place orders as usual. The only change is the shipping schedule and the quarantine fee. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.
Will the quarantine fee apply to all shipments to Western Australia?
Yes, the $20 quarantine fee applies to all chrysalis kits and chrysalis-only purchases being shipped to Western Australia, in order to cover the cost of inspections.
How long will this shipping schedule change last?
We are continuously monitoring the biosecurity regulations and working to find solutions that streamline the process. For now, shipments will continue every second Monday until further notice.
Can I still place an order if I’m in Western Australia?
Yes! You can still place orders as usual. The only change is the shipping schedule and the quarantine fee. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.
Can I still place an order if I’m in Western Australia?
Yes! You can still place orders as usual. The only change is the shipping schedule and the quarantine fee. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.
Spiny Leaf Insects
How do I feed my spiny?
Eucalyptus leaves are some of the best and easiest food to find. Use fresh leaves and change them often. Less is more, you don’t need to bring half a tree to your little pets but you do need to change them every 3 days or so or they will dry out and become inedible. If you are not sure if the leaves you are picking are Eucalyptus, be sure to ask someone. A plan B is to substitute Eucalyptus leaves with rose leaves or blackberry leaves. But make sure none of them have been sprayed by insecticides! You can keep the leaves fresh in a bottle with water. Heavy glass bottles are good to ensure you vase is stable enough.
What temperature should I keep them at?
This species will do best at 22 – 26° C, but will tolerate 10 – 20° C and have a slower growth rate. The eggs will hatch at around 20-25 ° C
Do they need water?
Mist the branches with water once a day and let the water evaporate before misting to avoid mould and general mess. Its fun watching you stick insect drinking droplets of water by moving their jaws.
How do I clean their enclosure?
Clean you enclosure every few days. This can be done by removing the branches with stickies and then scooping out their dry droppings (they smell of Eucalyptus!) and dry leaves. When your leaf insects grow up and start laying eggs, there will be a fun job of separating their eggs and their frass and starting your own stick insects farm. The eggs will look much more round and shiny and with little effort you will soon recognise them from miles away.
Can I hold them?
One of the beauties of keeping Spiny Leaf Insects is that they are really easy to handle and they are completely harmless yet interactive. Their legs are equipped with small hooks and suckers so they can handle any surface including the palm of your hand. The easiest way to handle them is to offer your hand as a walking surface, let them crawl on it and when you done, present a branch as the next crawling option. They will happily walk home.
What enclosure should I keep them in?
It is generally recommended to have enclosure around 3 times longer than the adult Leaf Insect and with females reaching generous 13-15cm, you need to have the height of enclosure at least 45cm. Anything smaller could result in your “spinies’ being to close to each other or not having enough room to shed their skin.
Will they reproduce?
With a bit of luck, in a few months your spinies will reach maturity. The mature female adults can be recognised by having small wing pads, while males are much slender and with a pair of fully developed wings. Spiny leaf insects lay shiny round eggs with a tiny fleshy lobe. The eggs resemble seeds of acacia collected by ants and the tasty lobe entices ants to take the eggs deep into their nest. After a few months, depending on humidity and temperature, and environmental cues, juveniles hatch deep inside ants nest. They look and move much like an ant and their goal is to quickly leave the nest and get up to a nearest tree as quickly as possible. Spiniest have an extraordinary ability to reproduce without the need for male fertilisation.
When females live on their own or when conditions are particularly good, they lay unfertilised eggs that develop into genetically identical clones of the mother. This reproductive strategy, called parthenogenesis, offers significant advantages, especially in stable environments where adaptation to changing conditions is less critical.
Presence of more delicate winged males gives you a chance to observe mating behaviour. After mating that can last for hours you may observe a small gelatinous ball mass at the tip of female abdomen, a storage of male reproductive cells. Females can use this material for a few months and lay fertilised eggs, both males and female type. Her offspring with more diverse genetic make up will be stronger and better adapted to their changing environment.
Downloads and Documents
The download of my product didn’t work.
Please email info@butterflyadventures.com.au and we will send you another copy.
I purchased an activities book but I didn’t receive it.
The book will have been emailed through on the day you placed your order. They do
sometimes go to Spam folders. Otherwise please email info@butterflyadventures.com.au.
Where do you deliver?
We deliver throughout Australia, wherever the Express Post or an overnight courier (used for Releases) can reliably reach you from Melbourne. If in doubt, please get in touch with us.
What does “desired send date” mean?
This is the date you would like your package to be given to Australia Post. This is not the date your package will arrive. You can check the Australia Post website for regular updates on delivery times to your location and choose your send date accordingly.
Why the change from “desired delivery date” to “desired send date” – this change was made due to Australia Post no longer guaranteeing overnight delivery. Delivery times now vary depending on your location therefore we can no longer guarantee a delivery date for you.
How long does delivery take?
We use Express Post and overnight couriers (Releases if required). Australia Post has removed their overnight delivery guarantee
– most times though they are close for metro locations (except during busy periods – eg Christmas) – refer to their website for your location’s delivery times. Express Post is still their quickest delivery method.
How do I track my order?
As soon as the parcel is registered with a delivery company, you should receive a notification
via email and/or text message. Sometimes, these emails get lost in the junk or spam
folder, so please check there before contacting us.
How much does delivery cost?
The delivery costs are variable. To keep things simple, the delivery cost is included with caterpillar kits and refills. For other items, we use the Aus Post software to estimate the volume and cost of your parcel delivery. This figure is automatically added to the cost of your item(s). You can get a preview of the shipping cost by putting in your shipping address and proceeding to check out. You don’t need to commit to paying anything to see the delivery fee.
What happens if the parcels aren’t delivered on time?
We will try and get as close to your desired send date as possible but as Mother
Nature plays a part this is not always possible. Once your parcel is with the post we
don’t have control over the package anymore unfortunately. If your parcel is a butterfly
release we will work with you to rectify the delivery or refund if this is not possible.
What if the parcel gets stuck in the post?
Australia Post will keep you updated via email/text. Once in their system we cannot
access the package so we will need to wait until it is delivered and work with you if there
is an issue.
Can I get an invoice to pay?
Yes, absolutely. Place your order and choose ‘bank transfer’ as the payment method.
The invoice will be attached to the order confirmation email.
What payment options do you have available?
We accept Credit Cards, PayPal, Direct Bank Transfer and AfterPay.
When is my payment due?
Payments need to be made before the order can be sent. Purchase Orders can be used
for schools, kinders and educational institutions.
Returns and Replacements
Do you do refunds for change of mind?
For Parties, Educational Presentations and Gazebo Events cancellations, we will refund if cancellation is made at least 5 working days prior to the event.
Outdoor events – If cancelled due to weather conditions or other unexpected circumstances outside of your control, we’ll refund 50% of the fees if less than 5 days notice is given.
Butterfly Releases – we will refund the full amount if you inform us 10 working days prior to the event or if we can allocate butterflies to other customers.
Do you replace chrysalises if they don’t emerge as butterflies?
For live material (caterpillars, pupae, butterflies), we’ll exchange or refund them as long
as you have followed our instructions and recommendations. We may also exchange/refund the
product if it is damaged in transit due to handling or major delays.
My item arrived damaged.
Please take it directly to your Post Office to lodge a claim. If the item is defective or
damaged, we’ll happily exchange it for the same item. Just send us an email with photos
to info@butterflyadventures.com.au.
I need to cancel my order.
Please email info@butterflyadventures.com.au
I need to cancel my party, event or presentation booking.
Please email info@butterflyadventures.com.au
Please see: https://butterflyadventures.com.au/refunds-and-returns-policy/
Butterfliy Parties
How many guests can your parties accommodate?
You can see a list of our packages and the number of guests they’re suitable for on our party page here.
Are we able to combine different packages?
We’re more than happy to work with you on creating the perfect party, just email us at party@butterflyadventures.com.au or fill the party enquiry form on our party page to discuss further.
Is the face paint you use safe?
Absolutely! We only use high quality professional face paint that is both ECC and FDA approved.
What allergens are in the face paint?
Our face paints are gluten free, nut free and vegan friendly. As with any cosmetics there is a rare chance of a reaction. Our paints are safe for all ages and skin types.
Are glitter tattoos safe?
Yes absolutely! The glitter and glue are both high quality cosmetic grade products which are skin safe and toxin free.
We only put glitter tattoos on hands, arms and legs. We don’t put glitter tattoos on faces to prevent anything getting in a persons eye.
How long do glitter tattoos last?
They can last 2-7 days but typically 5 days if cared for. They are somewhat waterproof so won’t come off at a pool party! They can be removed with rubbing alcohol or warm soapy water and a washcloth.
I only have a small group of guests attending, can I make the booking shorter?
We can certainly work with you to make the package suit your needs, just send us an email to discuss.
What size tents do you have?
We have 4 different tent sizes ranging from 1.8m across to 3.5m across.
Can your tents be set up inside? Outside? A park?
Yes to all! Our smaller tents can be easily set up in your living room or other spaces. We have done several events in public parks and all different kinds of venues.
I’d like to do a social media collaboration, how do I go about that?
Please contact info@butterflyadventures.com.au and we will put you in touch with an
appropriate person.
I’d like to do a collaboration with our company, who should I contact?
Please contact info@butterflyadventures.com.au and we will put you in touch with an
appropriate person.